Tag Archives: Newsletter

Fall Is In The Air

Fall is in the air and that means that my teaching schedule is coming to an end for the year. But still a few more teaching engagements before the Holidays. October I will be teaching my artful log cabins in San Diego coupling up with a trip to go to the Visions opening celebration and to serve on the panel of judges on Sunday the 16th. Then a quick trip home then off to Paducah KY to teach Artful Log Cabins at the museum on the 20 to 22. Then at the end of the month I will be at the Houston Quilt Festival teaching Artful Log Cabins again for two days then Stitched Paintings for 2 days then home for a day then to Art Quilt Tahoe where I will be artist in residence working on a new piece that I am very excited about. Finished for the year!! You can check out more details on these venues on my itinerary on this web site. A couple of months off to enjoy the holidays with family. Thanksgiving is at our house, my husband is a great cook and I am good with prep and cleanup. We will have a new baby to hold which I am really looking forward to, little Hudson my nieces new baby. For Christmas my daughter and her boyfriend are coming to Fortuna to celebrate with us and see our new home and visit the Redwoods for the first time.
I wish happy Holidays to all of you
love and hugs


It Is A Busy Month

It is a busy month for me. I will be teaching in New York for the Manhattan Quilters on the 10th and 11th, a lecture and my artful log cabins class.

Then back near home on the 16th and 17th in Ferndale at Stitch to do a two day Artful log cabin class

Then to Colorado to Woodland Park on the 23rd and 24th for a lecture and another Artful log cabin class, with a hop down to Santa Fe to teach at the quilt shop a new composition class and a one day value class.

I will get to visit with my friends there and check on my house. I would love for my house in Santa Fe to sell so I can be free in California. But it looks like if the buyer is not a quilter they don’t know what to do with my beautiful studio and if the husband doesn’t need a really neat shop……. so if you need either or both check it out 235 Rancho Alegre Rd, Santa Fe. NM

Having a great time in Fortuna California. It has been a beautiful summer filled with family and friends.

love and hugs


First of August

It is the first of August 2016. I have a few months off to get settled in my new home in Fortuna California. I book my jobs generally two years out so it is amazing that the timing worked out to give me time to get settled. Please check out my itinerary to see where I will be teaching. Starting in September I will be teaching in New York, Colorado, New Mexico, and close to home in Ferndale!
In October I will be teaching my Artful Log Cabins at the Paducah Quilt Museum. and going to the Visions Opening. November ends the year with the Houston Quilt Festival and Art Quilt Tahoe. Then it is in to the Holidays when we will be hosting the Thanksgiving day meal! Somewhere in all of that I hope to work on a new major quilt in my new studio,. May the end of the summer be great for everyone.
love and hugs